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The Beginning

This is where it all started. I was sitting in the recliner, browsing through Facebook Marketplace when I saw a sad little camper that had seen some better days. I had been contemplating buying a small camper for my parents to sleep in while we used a tent. We love visiting our state and national parks, but my mother said she was too old to be sleeping in a tent. I thought this would be the perfect solution. Of course, this is where the title comes from. I'm always looking for my next bad idea.

I talked to my mother and she said I might as well go look at it. I messaged the guy on Facebook and asked to come see it.

He agreed, so I loaded up the kids and we took off. Of course, I had been stripping a mantle for my mother's living room, so I was in my old worn out clothes, looking pretty rough.

Once we got there, the kids jumped out like a bunch of hooligans, because this place had it all. There were dogs and rabbits and a miniature horse. The people were so very nice, I really didn't get the sense that I walked up and they thought, "Aha, caught one!"

They said their son had bought it to fix up for them, but he had recently bought a fifth wheel and they'd rather just stay with them than pull a camper of their own.

I poked around in it, really had no clue what I was looking at. The floor FELT solid, it looked tired and sad, and someone had started working on it. I saw potential, or so I thought.

Inside view of the back of the trailer, wires hanging down and propane tank just chilling.

I said to give me a few days to gather up the cash and I'd come back.

My husband was going to come with me to pick it up, but he ended up having to work. So, I pulled up to the shop and told Daddy to get in. When he asked me where we were going, I said "I'm buying a camper, where's the thingy for the lights?" (spoiler alert, no lights).

We got there and looked it over again. Daddy did not shut me down immediately, so I figured we were all good. We made the transaction, hitched up and took off. We made it home and I want to say nothing fell off along the way, but I would be lying. One of the propane tanks fell off, so I had to pull over and scurry down the side of the road to get it. Luckily, we were on a back road and going pretty slow.

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