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Bathroom is out

One of the reasons I bought this camper was that it had a bathroom. I thought that was something I really wanted and needed. As interior design plans developed, I realized that we wanted more sleeping space than a bathroom. At this point in time we do not plan on doing much boondocking and we have always stayed in a campground with access to a bathhouse. Granted, we were always in a tent, but the amount of damage to the bathroom made me decide to just scrap it and build bunk beds along the back wall.

This floor pan was cracked and the amount of chestnuts and pecans stored under it was amazing. Some little critter had loved living in this camper, sorry to evict you.

There was nothing holding this back corner together but the wallpaper. All the wood was completely rotted out.

Getting the new joists ready.

I cut the toilet pipe down flush with the joists and put a cap on it. We will still use the gray/black water tank for the kitchen sink, so we did not want that splashing and the smell filtering up through the floor!

I got the new floor in and put new luan in. It's definitely a piecemeal, patchwork quilt look, but since it is going to be painted, I was going for cheap, not pretty.

The bathroom at one point had a cabinet that was held in by probably a million staples. There was not an easy way to get these out, so I used the grinder on them and placed putty.

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