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Rock guard awning reinstalled

Is it rock guard? Or rock shield? Or rock awning? I don't know, that thing that protects your big front window from getting busted while you are cruising is what I'm talking about. I'm glad mine was intact, several older campers are missing this. It was looking pretty bad with the lovely black spray paint.

I taped off all the chrome and painted it the same white as the upper portion of the camper. I also painted the back side the same light blue as the upper stripe on the camper, so it looks really cool from the inside of the camper when it is shut.

I used chrome polish to shine the edges and the arms back up. I attached the arms with new bolts, and put putty underneath them. Daddy and I sat and visited and scraped silicone off of them for about 30 minutes before I could polish them. I'm pretty sick of silicone.

I think it looks pretty great. It's impossible to do any work in there with it down, as it makes the camper very dark!

We have started work on the exterior lights. You can see the two amber ones we installed.

My daughter and I have pondered putting some type of design or logo here, but we are undecided. For now, I like the simple, clean look of it.

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